Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do you memorize?

About 9 months ago, my dad gave me the responsibility of preparing Sunday School memory verses for the children. Oftentimes with the help of some friends, I come up with the verse for the week, make a bookmark for each child and make a power point presentation with the verse and some game for them to memorize it. Since the very beginning, I thought it was a great idea and I enjoy preparing it. I love seeing when we give the children a verse one week and the following week, the child you least expect to know it, has it memorized. I always thought it was so great that we were helping these kids memorize verses. After all, isn't that what Jesus commanded us to do?

A few days ago, though, I was having my devotional and thought of something. All this time I was helping Sunday School children learn Bible verses by memory and was amazed at the result of growth of the children. After thinking about what a great idea it was to implement this new exercise in our Sunday School routine, I realized that I hadn't been memorizing much lately. God led me to a verse I had read many times before:

Psalm 119:11

I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

When I was younger, I was faithful to memorize anywhere from 3-5 verses a week. Now, it had been a while since I consistently did that. I had my quiet times just about every morning, but I had stopped memorizing Scripture. Every once in a while, I'd take a passage and learn it, but it wasn't a priority. I was upset at myself for my forgetfulness and undedication to this. As I've been thinking about it, I keep thinking of stories of people who needed the Word hidden in their heart.

I think of missionaries like some friends of my father's. They are in Saudi Arabia and starting an underground church. They have no Bible, though. They rely on their memorized Scripture to be able to get them through day by day. As they await a Bible, the father of the family gives sermons to the people with the passages he memorized while here in the United States.

I think of the elderly like Billy Graham who say they've become too old to read by themselves. They need someone to read the Bible to them and ask people to do so whenever possible. However, when people are not available during the day, or when they awaken in the middle of the night in need of comfort, they turn to their memory to recite Scripture.

I want to be able to know enough Scripture by memory, that if I ever become a missionary, I can rely on my memory and God's help to know His Word. When I get old, I want to know enough Scripture that if I'm not able to read anymore, I'd be able to remember everything I memorized over the years. And I want to hide God's Word in my heart that I would always remember it. That when I'm in a situation or have a problem, that I can turn to the passages I've memorized to guide me, no matter where I am.

What are your thoughts?

Are you consistent in memorizing Scripture? Any ways to memorize faster or easier?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Sophie :)


  1. Such a great post, Sophie! I’ve been memorizing Scripture for a couple years now, and God has continued to show me how great a treasure it is to have the Word of God hidden in one’s heart. As we read in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” If we intend to meditate on this life-changing book day and night (Psalm 1:2), then it always helps to have some of it in our hearts and minds.

    As for finding the easiest ways to memorize, has been instrumental in helping me hide the Scriptures in my own heart and I would definitely recommend checking it out. It allows you to store all of your memory verses in a digital database, and be quizzed on whatever verses the software thinks you need to review on that day. Basically, that means it’s possible to memorize 100+ verses and only need to review a few each day. It’s really a huge time-saver.

    Anyway, thanks again for this great post and for helping God's people dig deep into the Word. God bless!

    In Christ,

    "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." -Joshua 1:8

  2. Great post Sophie!

    I have to admit that I also have not given memorizing scripture a priority. However, lately I have been reading less and less in my devotional, and simply trying to meditate on the few verses that I read. This definitely makes memorizing scripture easier.

    Just a thought: I think technology is making me less dependant on my memory, and more dependant on, and my Bible app. There is nothing wrong with that website and program, but I don't want to be dependent on technology for God's word. I want It to be part of me, and not my possessions.

    Thanks for the post!
