Monday, August 29, 2011

Oh my insecurities..(sigh).

As I was reading Sophie’s awesome post on Monday, something popped at me telling me to write about it this week as for my first post ever. I had been stressing out about what in the world I was going to write and knowing that there would be people reading my post scared me, the thought of it still makes my stomach turn, especially when I felt very insecure about my writing skills. The lord is faithful and always reveals everything to us in his perfect timing; I had absolutely nothing to worry about, the Lord is in control and He knows why I am doing this even though I question myself at times. I mean I may start being a total amateur but the Lord will help me get better at this sort of stuff. (Philippians 4:6 =Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.)

Though Sophie’s entire post was quite intriguing, this was something I could definitely talk about in this post, mainly because the Lord is working in this area of my life. Anyways this is what she wrote, “Many times, I find myself wasting perfect opportunities to share Him with others. I avoid doing it, make excuses, and simply put myself into the ‘too shy’ category (a category that's a lie and doesn't even exist).”

I can’t count the number of times this has happened to me in the past, but not just with sharing the gospel! I think with about every area of my life. I realized most of the time is our insecurities that hold us back from advancing in God’s kingdom. We make up excuses because of those personal insecurities, so that we won’t end up doing what we know we should be doing for His kingdom. But have you ever thought how that could be a reflection of your relationship with Jesus Christ? Think about it.

Most of the time our insecurities are based on the thought of what other people might think of you about this or that, but if we are truly surrendered to the Lord and have truly fallen in love with Him, the opinions of others shouldn’t matter. Our only focus should be that the Lord will delight and rejoice over us (Zephaniah 3:17). That the Lord may be smiling at us and applauding joyfully at us as we are walking in His ways, doing His will, and just living poured out lives for His kingdom.

When Jesus Christ consumes our lives those insecurities should be surrendered at His feet because it is not about you anymore but about Him and His kingdom. As we surrender all of our insecurities to the Lord, He will give us confidence and strength to overcome those insecurities. Sometimes they will take time like when you have doubts or you feel uncertain about something and sometimes He will provide a way for those who lack self-confidence, like He did for Moses and his speech problems. Whatever your insecurities are, they are not too big or too ridiculous for the Lord. He is so much bigger than your doubts, fears, and lack of self-confidence. If you are lacking self-confidence remember that we are His Sons&Daughters and there is nothing we should be insecure about when we are princes and princesses of the Most High.

He cares about those things and is aware of all of them even the ones you probably didn't know you had. He knows the effect they have upon your life but you need to trust in Him and have faith He will do His will in your life. Having insecurities is almost like telling God you doubt Him and His power. Just remember that the One who cradles the stars in His hands; the One who looked at us, a pale blue spot in the universe, Who became man and humbled Himself to save us all from our iniquities because He loved us so the much more than we will ever be capable of, is dwelling within YOU.

"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." - Romans 8: 25

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." - 2 Corinthians 4: 16

"It is a tremendous freedom to get rid of all self-consideration and learn to care about only one thing- the relationship between Christ and ourselves." -Oswald Chambers

Your sister in Christ,


  1. ... we ought to obey God rather than men.
    -Acts 5:29

  2. Hi Laurent,
    I will look forward to you posting on here in the future.
    Thanks for this post. I am trying to collect my thoughts on low self-esteem at the moment, and what God thinks of it. So, this has helped.

